Spice Essential Oils
Let’s Spice Up Our Day!
Mmm-mmm Spices! Cooking with them adds such zest and color to our recipes. The smell of cinnamon, cloves, ginger, and other spices energizes the moment and brings a bit of lift to our step. The quest for spices was instrumental in the “discovery” of North America as Europeans searched west for a water route to capture the Far East spice trade, and were halted in their efforts by islands and a yet to be explored continent. During the Middle Ages black pepper was used as currency throughout Europe. You could say that spices have a very rich history.
Today we head to the spice section of the grocery or health food store to find that just right spice to “spice up” a favorite dish in the making. There are over 100 spices used throughout the world. Imagine that! But what else do spices do beyond making foods taste oh so delicious. Well, for one, some spices are concentrated sources of antioxidants. These wonderful substances protect our cells from damage. But, what else do spices do?
I always like to go to reliable sources for my information. It’s easy to say all kinds of things, but as a nurse I like my information backed up by research. What I summarize below comes from a Health article from John Hopkins Medicine. Reliable? Absolutely!
Cinnamon comes from the bark of the cinnamon tree. It seems cinnamon has oh so many uses, from adding the “yummy” to your morning danish to being sprinkled in your coffee to enhancing the flavors of that wonderful stew simmering in the oven. But, did you know that cinnamon is beneficial for people with high blood pressure? Why? because it tends to add a sweet taste to foods, so less sugar is used. It also appears that cinnamon is heart-healthy. According to John Hopkins Medicine, cinnamon reduces high blood pressure cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the body.
Turmeric is oven added to Indian curry dishes, named after one of its substances called curcumin. But, turmeric does far more than just add spark to prepared dishes, it also is well known for its ability to reduce inflammation found in joints and among tendons. It’s the go to supplement for relieving the pain associated with arthritis. There is limited research that suggests it also can reduce inflammation in the brain, a cause of concern in Alzheimer’s disease, depression, and memory decline. Excitedly, some animals studies suggest that curcumin may have anti-cancer properties. It’s one amazing spice!
Ginger is found in so many products, for my favorite Ginger-Lemon tea to candy to being grated into a favorite ginger recipe. But, beyond its distinctive flavor, ginger, incredibly, also calms nausea that can occur after surgery or during pregnancy. Of course, be sure to always consult your physician before taking supplement to manage a medical condition.
Garlic is a wonder plant in my mind. I have a friend in Wisconsin who was plagued by deer eating her favorite flowers during the night. The answer? Garlic powder sprinkled on the plants after each rain. Now the deer are gone and the flowers are blooming! Garlic is a favorite seasoning in Italian foods. Just think of what your favorite spaghetti sauce would taste like without the zest of garlic added to it! Here’s the best part. Garlic is heart healthy! Research has shown that garlic helps maintain the flexibility of blood vessels and reduce cholesterol and triglycerides. That’s a WOW! No wonder heart doctors recommend a Mediterranean diet rich in dishes that are seasoned with garlic as an approach to healthy living.
Cayenne - oh so hot! That spicy hot comes from a substance called capsaicin. Amazingly, capsaicin has the unique capability of reducing pain signals to the brain. For this reason, joint relief creams that you spread on an inflamed area can contain capsaicin. Limited studies have shown that this amazing substance also can restrict the growth of an ulcer-causing bacteria.
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doTERRA offers a variety of spice essential oils that you can use in your recipes, as DIYs, and add to your diffuser to brings amazing aromas to your office or home environments knowing that you are using a product that is pure and healthy. I’d like to share more about the amazing health benefits of spice essential oils with you. Let’s talk health and wellness! Contact me with your health concerns. I’m here for you. I’m happy to share how spice essential oils can support both your mental, physical, and emotional health. Yes! Let’s Talk!